collapsed, click to expand | When can I enroll in the Plan? |
There is no waiting period. You can enroll in the Plan at any time. Membership in the ACC or GTM is required.
collapsed, click to expand | How do I enroll in the Plan? |
If you’re ready to get started, enrolling is easy. First, obtain the Contribution Calculation Form from your ACC Retirement Plan Administrator, or from the ACC website ( > Members > Retirement Plan > New Enrollees). Return the completed form to your ACC Plan Administrator:
ACC Retirement Plans
1375 Remington Road, Suite M
Schaumburg, IL 60173
Phone: 847-781-7800
Fax: 847-781-7801
Please be sure to retain copies for your records.
Remember, this form must be submitted to your ACC Plan Administrator before any contributions can be deducted from your pay.
Next, go to and follow the steps below to set up your ACC Retirement Plan 403(b)9 account.
1. Log in or create a new account: If you have a Fidelity NetBenefits® or account, we can use your information to save time. If not, click Register as a new user to verify your identity. You may also set up your ACC Supplemental Plan account at the same time by choosing “add another plan” and inserting the plan ID number 71281.
2. Link plan(s) to your account. Enter the ACC Retirement Plan's 5-digit plan number: 71280
3. Log in to your account and click “Begin” found in the center of the screen. Follow the instructions to elect your investment options and beneficiaries online. Note: You must designate your investment elections; otherwise, your contributions will be allocated to the plan's default money market account.
If you need assistance with the enrollment process, you may call a Fidelity Retirement Representative at 1-800-343-0860.
collapsed, click to expand | When is my enrollment effective? |
Your enrollment becomes effective once you complete and return the Contribution Calculation Form to your ACC Plan Administrator and you successfully enroll online at Salary deferral contributions can then begin after your synagogue obtains access to Fidelity's online employer system, Plan Sponsor Webstation (PSW), and deducts your first salary deferral amount from your paycheck pretax.
collapsed, click to expand | How much can I contribute? |
You may make a salary deferral contribution up to 100% of your eligible compensation. However, this contribution is subject to the maximum limits imposed by the IRS. Any amount contributed over the maximum limit will need to be invested in the ACC Supplemental Plan. The Internal Revenue Code provides that the combined annual limit for total plan contributions in 2025 is 100% of your W2 compensation or $70,000, whichever is less.
collapsed, click to expand | What catch-up contribution can I make? |
If you have reached age 50 or will reach 50 during the calendar year January 1 – December 31 and are making the maximum plan or IRS contribution, you may make an additional catch-up contribution each pay period. The maximum annual catch-up contribution is $7,500. Going forward, catch-up contribution limits will be subject to cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) in $500 increments.
collapsed, click to expand | What is the IRS contribution limit? |
The IRS contribution limit for 2025 is $23,500.
collapsed, click to expand | Does the Employer contribute to my account? |
Your congregation can make an annual discretionary contribution on your behalf. Plan guidelines suggest that this contribution be equal to at least 15% of your annual eligible compensation. The employer contributions will be contributed into your account along with any salary deferral contributions you decide to make. It is your responsibility to work with your congregation to ensure that the contributions are submitted directly to Fidelity Investments via Fidelity's Simplified Contribution Platform (SCP) online system in a timely manner.
collapsed, click to expand | When am I vested? |
You are always 100% vested in any contributions you make and the annual employer contributions.
collapsed, click to expand | What are my investment options? |
To help you meet your investment goals, the Plan offers you a range of options. You can select a mix of investment options that best suits your goals, time horizon, and risk tolerance. The investment options available through the Plan include conservative, moderately conservative, and aggressive funds. A complete description of the Plan’s investment options and their performance, as well as planning tools to help you choose an appropriate mix, are available online via logging in to your NetBenefits account at
collapsed, click to expand | What if I don’t make an investment election? |
We encourage you to take an active role in the ACC Retirement Plan and choose investment options that best suit your goals, time horizon, and risk tolerance. If you do not select specific investment options in the Plan, your contributions will be invested in the T. Rowe Price Retirement Fund Class I with the target retirement date closest to the year you might retire, based on your current age and assuming a retirement age of 65, at the direction of American Conference of Cantors.
If no date of birth or an invalid date of birth is on file at Fidelity, your contributions may be invested in the T. Rowe Price Retirement Balanced Fund Class I. More information about the T. Rowe Price Retirement Fund Class I options can be found online.
Target Date Funds are an asset mix of stocks, bonds and other investments that automatically becomes more conservative as the fund approaches its target retirement date and beyond. Principal invested is not guaranteed.
collapsed, click to expand | Can I take a loan from my account? |
Although your plan account is intended for the future, you may borrow from your ACC Retirement Plan for any reason.
Learn more about and/or request a loan online at > select "ACC Retirement Plan" > "Quick Links" > "Loans", or by calling the Fidelity Retirement Benefits Line at
collapsed, click to expand | Can I make withdrawals? |
Prior to retirement, if you become permanently disabled or have severe financial hardship as defined by your Plan and need to make a withdrawal, you will have to get approval from the ACC Retirement Board of Trustees. This applies even if you are over the age of 59 ½ and are still employed. However, if you have retired and are over the age of 59 ½, you do not need approval from the ACC Retirement Board of Trustees to access your funds. Keep in mind that withdrawals are subject to income taxes and possibly to early withdrawal penalties. If your withdrawal is used for housing allowance, it may be tax free if the amount was previously recorded in the trustee meeting minutes. Please call Fidelity Investments directly at 1-800-343-0860 to initiate distributions from your account and be sure to inform the representative if you are requesting a Parsonage Distribution.
collapsed, click to expand | Can I move money from another retirement plan into my ACC Retirement Plan? |
If you wish to consolidate your account assets into your ACC Retirement Plan, please be sure to complete the Transfer/Rollover form available online on the ACC website ( and return it to Fidelity Investments. For any questions on completing the Transfer/Rollover form or to request a paper form by mail, please contact Fidelity at 1-800-343-0860 Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to midnight Eastern time.
You are permitted to roll over eligible pretax contributions from another 403(b) plan account or eligible pretax contributions from conduit individual retirement accounts (IRAs). A conduit IRA is one that contains only money rolled over from an employer-sponsored retirement plan that has not been mixed with regular IRA contributions.
Call the Fidelity Retirement Benefits Line at 1-800-343-0860 or log on to Fidelity NetBenefits® at for details.
Be sure to consider all your available options and the applicable fees and features of each before moving your retirement assets.
collapsed, click to expand | How do I designate my beneficiary? |
If you have not already selected your beneficiaries, or if you have experienced a life-changing event such as a marriage, divorce, birth of a child, or a death in the family, it’s time to consider your beneficiary designations. Fidelity’s Online Beneficiaries Service, available through Fidelity NetBenefits®, offers a straightforward, convenient process that takes just minutes.
To navigate to your beneficiary designations online:
1. Log in at
Profile & Settings > Beneficiaries
2. Text CARE to 343898
If you do not have access to the Internet or prefer to complete your beneficiary information by paper form, please call the Fidelity Retirement Benefits Line at 1-800-343-0860.
collapsed, click to expand | What are the annual administrative fees for this plan? |
An annual plan administration fee of $380 is charged to your account on a quarterly basis ($95 each calendar quarter). This ACC plan administration fee of $380 per year will be waived for new participants in their first two years of employment.
In addition, an annual fee of $96 ($24 per quarter) is charged for the recordkeeping services of Fidelity Investments.
You may reimburse your plan account for this fee by making a voluntary, after-tax contribution to the plan. Please note, however, that this voluntary contribution will count toward the maximum aggregate annual contribution. Please refer to your Summary Plan Description accessible online via the ACC website at for more information.
collapsed, click to expand | How do I update my mail preferences? |
Receiving communication by e-mail offers you greater convenience and will help keep you up to date on topics related to your retirement plan. Log on to Fidelity NetBenefits® by going to, and click "Profile" at the top right of the home page. Under the "Personal & Contact Information" tab, choose "Add an email" to add your email address. Then, click on the "Preferences" tab, where you can choose your delivery method for communications and statements from the Plan.
For any changes/updates to your new your mailing address, please contact your ACC Retirement Plan Administrator, Sheryl Steines, at:
collapsed, click to expand | What kind of online retirement planning tools are available? |
Fidelity offers a wide variety of retirement planning tools available conveniently at your desk. Once logged on to NetBenefits® at, click on the “Tools & Learning” link on the main page, then click “e-Learning catalog.”